Sunday, October 5, 2014

Das Deutsche Museum

I went with my friend Wayne to the Deutsches Museum yesterday. It is a huge museum that has exhibits ranging from 'the history of calculators' to 'musical instruments'. We happened to be in the musical instrument room when a docent was playing several of the instruments, one of which was a harpsichord from the 1500s!  It sounded very cool.

My favorite spot (so far) was the roof, on which there was a sundial garden. There were about 20 different sundials, even one on the ground (look for the figure 8 - it's called an 'analemma').

However, one of the neatest was a polyhedron sundial, with a different sundial on each face.

I plan to go back because I became an annual member of the museum. Well...kind of. I haven't paid yet. In Germany, their preferred method of payment is the bank transfer. So, while you could pay cash for the 8,50 € single entry fee, you could not pay cash for the 52 € annual membership. I filled out a form, they gave me a temporary membership card, and I promised to transfer 52 € into their bank account. Very different from the U.S., where they wouldn't let you set foot in the place until you had paid.

Such are the lessons that I'm learning.

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